Soft matter – materials of the future
From tire rubber and foams to human soft body tissue – we are surrounded by so-called soft matter in today's world. Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) and the Technical University of Darmstadt offer a new international Master's degree program on Soft Matter and Materials, which focuses on this group of substances that have a particularly promising potential

Project MIMI builds connections with Jerusalem
MIMI – Migration, Media, and Integration – is a project at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) that helped to establish a cooperation between the the Hadassah Academic College in Jerusalem and Mainz University in 2021. Headed by Anna Fabienne Makhoul, MIMI could be the springboard for a new lively academic exchange. The first two seminars were a great joint success.

South African exchange student researches underground hip hop
Sikelelwa Anita Mashiyi is the first exchange student to come from the University of the Western Cape to Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). A Master's degree student, she is currently undertaking research in JGU's African Music Archives (AMA) on the underground hip hop of South African townships. With the Department of Anthropology and African Studies planning to intensify its partnership with three African universities and to establish a network for research and teaching, further visits might follow.

Teaching English in Sri Lanka
Students of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) have the opportunity to teach for a period of six months in Sri Lanka. This unusual project was initiated about two years ago. Anke Lensch of the Department of English and Linguistics launched the project, supervised by Professor Britta Mondorf and in cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Doing research like a real scientist
During this year's summer break, 24 high school students from all over Germany came to Mainz University to visit the MAMI Microtron, a particle accelerator that generates electron beams. At the invitation of the PRISMA Cluster of Excellence, they attended the first Mainz Particle Physics Academy here on the Gutenberg Campus. Professor Matthias Schott of the Institute of Physics at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) designed and organized the event bringing together top-flight research and teaching for two weeks.

A joint Master’s program at four European universities
Want to study in Lithuania and Germany and then also in Sweden or Estonia? The international Master's degree program Sociolinguistics and Multilingualism – or 'SoMu' for short – makes it possible. Universities in all four countries are working together to provide insight into the multifaceted linguistic landscape, society, and history of the Baltic region. Professor Anneli Sarhimaa of the Northern European and Baltic Languages and Cultures research and teaching unit at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) has helped create this unique degree program.

A small country but major themes
Post-war Germany takes up a very special stance on Israel, though often a rather limited one. The conflict in the Middle East is taking center stage while the shared German-Jewish history always plays an important role. It is the aim of the Israel Study Unit of the Institute of Political Science at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) to make Germans aware of the many other facets of the country. A current project is a major conference entitled "Rapprochement, Change, Perception and Shaping the Future: 50 Years of German-Israeli and Israeli-German Diplomatic Relations."

Aspects of interpreting
Simulations of interpreting situations have introduced a whole new dimension to interpreter training at Faculty 06: Translation Studies, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies at the Germersheim campus of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). Here students assume various roles and experience aspects of interpreting that can otherwise be given only little attention. The idea is to enable them to develop empathy, understand body language, and much more.

Mobile app looks behind the Iron Curtain
Nineteen students from the Cultural Anthropology / Folklore division at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) have compiled experiences and stories of contemporary witnesses to the Cold War between East and West for theinternational "Iron Curtain Stories" project. Their interviews and much more have just been made available on the "Memory of Nations" website and a smartphone app.

Pharmacy in role-play
The training pharmacy at the Institute of Pharmacy and Biochemistry at Mainz University gives students the opportunity to practice dealing with customers. It’s all about practical application. The aspiring pharmacists learn what it will be like later in their professional lives.