- Academy for Foreign Coaches in Mainz celebrates record course
- A donation of intellectual property
- A door opener into the wonderful world of the university
- African music from the basement
- A Guinness World Record for Mainz physicists
- A joint Master’s program at four European universities
- A journey through 470 million years of plant history
- Algorithms, avocados, and adventures
- All humans come from Africa
- A long winter in Antarctica
- Alumnus memories meet the new School of Music
- A model of urban climate
- A molecule folds itself into a solar sail
- A Muslim, Turk, and Mainz resident on the German Ethics Council
- An advocate of German in Scotland
- Ancient mythology conquers modern culture
- And sometimes a ball hits the museum walls
- A new home for excellent research
- A new world order of cultural production
- Anthropologist from Mainz becomes a Ghanaian chief
- A philosopher not suitable for a university curriculum?
- A place at dOCUMENTA (13)
- Archiving West African settlement history
- Arte es Vida – Life is Art
- Artificial intelligence as reviewer, text to speech reader – and author?
- A small country but major themes
- A small publisher with a varied program
- Aspects of interpreting
- A state with big differences
- A stroke of luck for the university
- A treasure chest of everyday Jewish life in the 18th century
- Attractive internship program for young talent
- A very special Researcher Grand Prix
- A Warhol under the hammer
- Blue light therapy can allay inflammation
- Bronze head tells a tale of African culture and European plunderers
- Buddha's nose and good fortune
- By students, with students, for students
- Caesar's Gallic Wars come to life
- Calling the university hotline
- Cattle, milk, and Europeans
- Center for Rare Diseases
- Cuneiform tablets, lumps of coal, and a letter written by Brentano
- Disciplined empathy as an important tool in highly political times
- Discovering nature
- Discovering the Botanic Garden
- Doing research like a real scientist
- Don't panic, we're still on course
- Drugs testing is only a band-aid
- Erasmus scholarships for teaching staff and personnel
- EURO 2012 in their hearts, summer on their minds
- European travelogues in context
- Evaluating cirrhosis 'live' and accurately at the cellular level
- Failures fuel science
- Finnish trees tell the story of 2,000 years of climate history
- FORTHEM promotes the internationalization of research
- From container ship to artwork
- From parchment to the Internet
- From the Holy Water of Horus to Akhenaten's pot belly
- From war in Biafra to the conflict in the Niger Delta
- Future doctors practice for the real thing
- German-Polish success stories
- German literature is popular in the Arab World
- German ministers are not the only ones who have problems with plagiarism
- Germans spend EUR 103 billion on sport
- Girls can do everything
- Giving more attention to neglected tropical diseases
- Gutenberg's types move around the world
- Help of all kinds
- Higgs boson electrifies Mainz physicists
- Highest endowed German research award brings world-class biologist to Mainz University
- History in skulls
- How flies and humans see the world
- How the French brought Comparative Literature to Mainz
- Hunting down clouds in a spy jet
- Hunting neutrinos in the Antarctic
- IFuL tempts students to think outside the box
- Images of an unfamiliar university
- Immortal minerals
- In shape for the German Excellence Strategy competition
- Integration in practice and in theory
- Mainz 05 reinvents itself as a carnival club
- Mainz history student receives Scottish-German double PhD
- Making the invisible visible
- Meave Leakey encounters relatives in Mainz
- Mobile app looks behind the Iron Curtain
- Mollusks chronicle the climate
- More than just a temporary solution
- Most Germans would vote for Obama
- New degree course focusing on the translation of indigenous languages
- New neurons for the brain
- New professor in accelerator physics
- New religious research network
- No gap between foreigners and Germans
- No talk of elitism
- Not everything in the universe is symmetrical
- Nuclear physics and cuneiform studies working hand in hand
- Number games for the young
- Of differences and differentiation
- Of resources, conflicts, and the view of Europe
- One man gets excited about tiresome teaching
- One poet, six translators
- On the trail of an ancient survivor
- On the trail of biodiversity
- Open science in academic and scientific practice
- Outstanding young researchers and forgotten collections
- Overcoming barriers in order to scrutinize limits
- Pharmacy in role-play
- Pilot project on linguistic integration and strategies of language acquisition
- Pioneering measurements in space
- Poetry for all the senses
- Powerful technologies may help overcome future challenges
- Privacy is just an illusion
- Project MIMI builds connections with Jerusalem
- Record turnout for the Student Paper Info Night
- Renewable resources
- Rescue plans for the retina
- Research at the interface of disciplines
- Right-wing extremism breaks into new music genres
- Roman small change was rather big
- Saving a desert palace in the green Jordan valley
- Searching for effective ways to diagnose non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- Siri Hustvedt deplores categorization
- Sitemap
- Six years of filming on the river
- Soft matter – materials of the future
- South African exchange student researches underground hip hop
- Spring awakes with strong voice power
- Straight from university to the opera stage
- Student project supports refugees
- Students tear down language barriers
- Summer vacation with top researchers
- Supporting Ukrainian academics
- Sustained by the spirit of Franco-German friendship
- Teaching English in Sri Lanka
- Teachings of the cleaving sword
- The action cinema of the ancient world
- The Catholic Church under fire
- The climate remains a mystery
- The collection is growing and growing
- The cowboy travels the world
- The essence of all things
- The euro area needs a redemption pact
- The landscape of surnames
- The media fueled fears while experts went unheard
- Theme parks in the center of research
- The mouse, the poet, and the dance
- The mystery of flexible proteins
- The never-ending story of equal rights
- The Olympic spirit has a home in Mainz
- The proton radius puzzle
- The riddle of the icy droplets
- The role of the Monastic Republic of Mount Athos in the Middle Ages
- The Sams learns Arabic
- The search for causes of neurodegenerative diseases
- The search for the "missing" link is called off
- The story of the continent with no history
- The Tower of Babel in the basement
- The trials of becoming a good interpreter
- The world of Turkic peoples epitomized in books held in Mainz
- Tracking down Islamist propaganda
- Tracking the climate by airplane
- Tracking the climate using MESSy
- Traditional plants, newly grown
- Tumors and chronic diseases outsmart the immune system
- Turkic Studies – a minor subject with major themes
- Uncovering the secrets of gems
- University and children go well together
- University trains first-class mechanics
- Water-related research of international relevance
- Wearing white lab coats and discovering colors
- We need more women at the top
- What happens in cells
- What holds matter together?
- What’s bubbling below the Eifel plateau?
- When ants stir up a rebellion
- When fatal stabbing becomes a scientific experiment
- When the life awakener was used to fight arthritis
- Winnetou under scrutiny
- Writing about 9/11
- "FORTHEM brings Europe to our university"
- "Can it really be called academic research?"
- "Goethe would have had a heart attack"
- "I have never experienced such a mode of disinformation before"
- "Our alumni club has a lot to offer its members"
- "Research always involves a major biographical aspect"
- "The aim is to have everybody find their own voice"
- "This child's death could have been prevented"
- "This has never been done before"
- "We care about quality"
- "We have to keep a lot of balls in the air all at once"
- "We need a thorough shake-up of our global energy industry"
- "We need to get out of our comfort zone"
- "We talk about one another rather than with each other"
- "What we are doing is 'reading' violence"