Seit Juli 2017 fördert das Bundesforschungsministerium an der JGU ein Projekt zum Thema "Dschihadismus im Internet", initiiert von Prof. Dr. Mattias Krings (r.) und unter der Leitung von Dr. Christoph Günther (l.). (Foto: Peter Pulkowski)JIHADISM ON THE INTERNET

Tracking down Islamist propaganda

The Jihadism on the Internet interdisciplinary junior research group started last year. The researchers analyze online radical Islamist propaganda and track down all individuals that respond in any way to this kind of material. The group is also preparing a unique online platform. The project at the Department of Anthropology and African Studies at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz receives funding from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to the tune of EUR 2.7 million.

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