Professor Holger Tost conducts research on climate and weather influences at the JGU Institute of Atmospheric Physics. (photo: Peter Pulkowski)ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS

Tracking the climate using MESSy

Professor Holger Tost wants to find out what is going on in the atmosphere and uses computer simulations to investigate the processes influencing our climate and weather. He was appointed to the Carl Zeiss Foundation Endowed Professorship on Environmental Modeling in the Climate System at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) in 2016.

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"We talk about one another rather than with each other"

The first holder of the Israel Professorship at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) takes up his work. Yossi David comes from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and is joining the Department of Communication at Mainz University. He will be a guest professor for three years with the goal of stimulating German-Israeli exchange in the field of Communication Studies.

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South African exchange student researches underground hip hop

Sikelelwa Anita Mashiyi is the first exchange student to come from the University of the Western Cape to Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). A Master's degree student, she is currently undertaking research in JGU's African Music Archives (AMA) on the underground hip hop of South African townships. With the Department of Anthropology and African Studies planning to intensify its partnership with three African universities and to establish a network for research and teaching, further visits might follow.

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Professor Michael Bruse has been working on the development of an urban climate planning software for 25 years. (photo: Peter Pulkowski)GEOINFORMATICS

A model of urban climate

With the help of ENVI-met, it is possible to determine the microclimate of a city down to the square meter, while effects of construction projects, soil sealing, and green spaces can be exactly predicted. Professor Michael Bruse of the Institute of Geography of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) has been working on this software for 25 years. As time went by, the specialist in geoinformatics incorporated increasingly more factors and made the 3D simulation more complex. ENVI-met is now in use around the world.

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By students, with students, for students

In November 2018, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) will be celebrating the first International Students' Conference (ICON). Speakers from all over the world will come together to discuss topics and issues in and around gender, migration and markets, ethics, literature, and a great deal more under the title "Bounds of Humanity". The event will mark the start of a regular series of study conferences at JGU.

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Zhiyuan Wang had the opportunity to work on his own project in a nuclear physics research group at Mainz University. (photo: Peter Pulkowski)PRISMA CLUSTER OF EXCELLENCE

Attractive internship program for young talent

A special internship program regularly succeeds in getting talented young people to come to PRISMA, the Precision Physics, Fundamental Interactions and Structure of Matter Cluster of Excellence at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). Seven students were welcomed this summer. Zhiyuan Wang is one of them. He took the opportunity to work on his own project in nuclear physicist Professor Dmitry Budker's team.

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Elke and Rainer Göbel have established a foundation to support international students at JGU. (photo: Thomas Hartmann)UNIVERSITY FUNDING

"We care about quality"

For twelve years now, Dr. Elke Göbel and Dr. Rainer Göbel have supported Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in many different ways. Now the husband and wife, both Gutenberg alumni, have set up a foundation that they plan to use first and foremost to promote international students in the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science.

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Dr. Sandra Vlasta untersucht am Gutenberg-Institut für Weltliteratur und schriftorientierte Medien europäische Reiseberichte aus dem 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. (Foto: Stefan F. Sämmer)COMPARATIVE LITERATURE

European travelogues in context

Dr. Sandra Vlasta joined the Gutenberg Institute for World Literature and Written Media of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in October 2017 with a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship. Here, the Viennese expert in comparative literature is currently working on her research project on European Travelogues in Context. The Socio-Political Dimension of Travelogues in Europe: 1760 – 1850.

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The Teaching English in Sri Lanka project permits JGU students to obtain practical experience by giving English lessons abroad. (photo: Peter Pulkowski)ENGLISH & LINGUISTICS

Teaching English in Sri Lanka

Students of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) have the opportunity to teach for a period of six months in Sri Lanka. This unusual project was initiated about two years ago. Anke Lensch of the Department of English and Linguistics launched the project, supervised by Professor Britta Mondorf and in cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

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The Europe-wide ERASMUS program also features offers for teaching staff and other university personnel. (photo: Peter Pulkowski)JGU INTERNATIONAL

Erasmus scholarships for teaching staff and personnel

The Erasmus training program was introduced in 1987 by the European Union. Since then, it has promoted the internationalization of the educational landscape on many levels. Erasmus is primarily directed at students. But also teaching staff and other university personnel can benefit from the program. This aspect plays a major role at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

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